
  • Lower Back Pain

    Low back pain is the number one reason people seek chiropractic care. Chiropractic treatment can help back pain sufferers return to normal function while avoiding potentially dangerous pain medication.

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  • Mid/Upper Back Pain

    Research shows that chiropractic care is effective in treating mid and upper back pain as well as improving range of motion and posture. So before you consider more invasive treatments, find out what chiropractic can do for you.

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  • Muscle Stimulation (E-Stim)

    An electrical muscle stimulation (EMS or E-stim) device can prevent muscle spasms, relieve pain and retrain or build muscle tissue.

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  • Myofascial Release

    If muscle pain bothers you or keeps you from moving freely, a gentle therapy called myofascial release can reduce pain, break down scar tissue and increase flexibility.

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  • Neck Pain

    Neck pain is second only to lower back pain as the reason for seeking chiropractic care. Unfortunately, the incredible flexibility of the neck that allows us to move our head freely also makes the neck more susceptible to injury.

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  • Neuropathy (Nerve Pain And Tingling)

    Neuropathy refers to symptoms caused by damage to nerves that branch out from the brain and spinal cord. Chiropractic care takes a natural approach to treating neuropathy and can often help reduce symptoms and increase function.

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  • Osteoarthritis Of the Spine (Spondylosis)

    Over 80% percent of adults over the age of 40 show evidence of osteoarthritis, or degenerative changes to the spine, on X-rays. Osteoarthritis of the spine can't be reversed, but chiropractic care can slow down its progression.

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  • Pinched Nerve

    When a nerve is pinched, you may feel pain, tingling, numbness or muscle weakness. Chiropractors aim to identify the source of the problem in order to provide treatment that can relieve pressure on nerves.

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  • Pitcher's Elbow

    Pitcher's elbow is a common overuse injury that can result from repeated overhand pitching. It causes pain, swelling and reduced range of motion, but chiropractors can treat pitcher’s elbow using safe, noninvasive techniques.

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  • Plantar Fasciitis

    Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the tissue that supports the heel and foot. It can be intensely painful and may cause difficulty standing or walking. The good news is that plantar fasciitis often responds well to chiropractic treatment

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  • Posture

    Poor posture over the years can lead to numerous ill health effects. When your spine is in alignment, good posture will come more naturally so you can breathe better, feel younger and avoid many aches and pains.

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  • Posture Problems

    Posture problems such as swayback, hunchback, flatback syndrome and forward head posture can result in pain, loss of function and injury. Chiropractors treat conditions caused by poor posture and help you maintain better posture and a healthier spine over the long term.

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  • Pregnancy Pain

    Keeping the spine in proper alignment during pregnancy helps reduce pain and gets the body into an optimal state for delivery. Chiropractic care can help maintain wellness both during pregnancy and after.

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  • Repetitive Stress Injuries

    Repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis can interfere with daily life. Chiropractors can treat these injuries and help prevent them.

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  • Research and Safety

    Research shows that chiropractic offers safe and effective treatment for a wide range of conditions. Because chiropractic care is natural and drug-free, risk is extremely small—less than that of most medications.

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  • Rotator Cuff Injuries

    When there is injury or inflammation of the rotator cuff—the muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder—it can cause pain and limited movement. Chiropractic care may be able to help ease the pain and prevent further degeneration of the shoulder joint.

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Wesely Family Chiropractic

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